Friday, June 26, 2009

no more michael jackson

today,King of Pop had died..i heard the news at this early morning on my way to school and once i stepped into school,'Michael Jackson' was the first word i heard from my friends..they were talking like aunties spreading about the gossips in the neighbourhood,whispering like it's a very HOT gossip!LOL!"hey hey you know,michael jackson died!OMG!" and the other one "yeah i know...i heard it on my way to school on the radio...all radio FMs were talking about him rite... " ohhh...and i interrupted too in that all-of-us-know-michael-jackson-had-died-conversation...somehow i feel like it's fun's not a thing that we always do rite?and i heard Michael Jackson's songs and about himself all around me,everywhere today...why oh why??is he that pop or what?haha!!arashi's more pop!!and my mom said to me "he made his face but not his lung which was become weaker" LOL!i burst out a laugh very hard!but yeah,wht my mom said is true...ah!that's all!okay...may god bless michael jackson!LOL!! ^^ and yeah oh,matsujun i can get the sense how u're feeling must be very sad ne because ur (clone?) died today!LOL!haha!!


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