Wednesday, September 9, 2009

she likes matsujun ;)

omg!sashiburi my bloggy!!!haha!!!i miss this bloggy...*pouts* well,i dont have that m,uich to talk about...yesterday was choir comp day..1st i thought we're gonna win it after seeing other classes' performances were like stiff and freeze like ice. at least, we have clap thing and we made the Tanggal 31 song a catchy song. then, after 2b's performance, 2a did. and it was AWESOME! they got drum, guitar and err....forgot what the name of that thing. so, i was like went back home a lil dissapointed. and today, puan jalilah (our sivic teacher) tell us that we might win for this coz we made it a ceria song..haha!!we're soo!!got no time to bebel more la!STUPIDA!oh yea....i use arashi 5x10 anniversary tour pic as my wally for my lappy..then my mom said who does she think the handsome among arashi..then i was like "eh?mom,are u okay?" then she pointed matsujun!haha!!!she likes jun!!ok then!
oh and i got my sho's clearfile!KYAAAA!!!!!sho was like.......*speechless* in the file...and my friend,nia forced me to bring it to school and i brought it,. and hdyh heard that teacher's gonna make spotcheck. i hid it at the celah locker...i was scared that it might terselit and i can't get it out back...and my dad saw it!!!!!!thank god,he didn't say anything or i'll be dead!!!ok then,bye bye minna!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ureshii! =)

I’ve been missing to write at least a post in my blog. Just well, with no net, I can’t do anything. Life means nothing,empty to me without net,really. Since I’ve been living up with net, with arashi. Ah, well i didn’t get to write many posts that I wanted to write this whole time I got no net. It is:
1) Arashi’s 1st day of 5x10 concert tour
2) Matsujun’s birthday
3)Errrr…. I will get the clearfile I’ve ordered in this weeee~k!!!!yeayyyyy!

So. Yeah. About the 1st day of con tour I was like errr….well, I can say I was like a crazy person. At the evening, I felt nervous, I dunno why.. I felt nervous for arashi that I kept praying for the weather there will be all right and the con will go smoothly. And arashi will be allright. And that night, haha! I got this feeling like rojak campur feelin.I was nervous. Yeah,still nervous because I wondered if the con is going smoothly or not and yeah…I was too overexcited. But heyyyy!do you think with no net I’ll be like no updates of arashi?well,there’s a amie,my heroin came..haha!it was my ChuTaku-chan, arashian that always flail bourt arashi with me!!!I received many updates bout the con from amie. Thanks a million to amie..she’s my good updater of arashi when I’m stuck in home with no net. I kept jumping here and there on my bed haha! And screamed too. So, the next day I got to see the report news of the con at YT at my friend’s house. There went again when I went crazy. I was like…amazed with the performance, with the opening song, when they sang Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi, they flied at the stadium!


And not forgetting jun’s birthday..


yeayyyy!!!i got no birthday song for him..haha!!!*blurrs*
Not only that, yesterday amie texted me that she’ll get the clearfiles that I and her ordered bout this wed or thurs. and she’ll give me this weekend!!!yayyyyyyyy!!!i’ve seen sho’s clearfile!!!and it was SUPERB HOT!!!!matte yo,clearfile!!!
Oh, how I wish I can bebel here more. But i can't!