Monday, June 22, 2009

been tagged again!this time by ShoKina

i've been tagged again!yatta!!!thanks to ShoKina alot!! ^^

1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.

2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.

3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.

4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.

(i only have 3 folders for my own photos and family and friends..hence,i browsed for my arashi's collection pics)

kore ga shashin da yo!!!

need the description ke???okok!!yarimasu!!!okok!!i like his smile here!and he looks just too perfect in this pic just for no reason why i feel so...oh!the hand!!!the veins could be seen there!!!kyaaa!!!hottieeeeee!!!ok!!!why the hell was he wearing that outfit???it looks bad on him!!!dah!tu je description...feel like i'm a professional judge la paula abdul!LOL!<--too much!

5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.

~Ainaa~OhShiro~Nasyer~Syu~Kak Awe~No one ( malas nak tag rmi2 org)



today i'd walked to home..because my driver..haha!not my driver lah!!my elder bro who uses to fetch me from school was not at my mom asked me to walk...on my way home just right at the 7Eleven,i bumped into my elder brother's girlfriend's lil sister..she was walking at the back and i was at the front...i turned to the back to look something then she approached me by saying "EH?ni adik...." haha!!i said "uhmm,yup...adik apan" oh yea,,,apan is my bro's name which his gf use to call him...the short for FARHAN..become apan??so weird...then we walked all the way home and we talked about everything about our schools...the differences between SBS and SBU..and she told me tht she'd stayed in the hostel before but she got kicked out...because the quota for the students living in tht hostel gone too much and bla bla..and and...she asked me why did i move out from hostel..well i tried not to tell her that i'm H_ _ _ _ _ _ K girl....but then she knew since i'm the youngest in my family..LOL!and and she told me not to tell about we met each other to my bro and her sis just for no reason...i dunno... >_<
-go back to shukudai-
~~lya no shukudai-kun hajmaruuu yooo!~~
*hait!gakkou no shukudai ga yarimasu yo!*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hahaha.
    No problems my dear.
    I dun think it's bcause of d outfit,it's his hair makes him look bad.^^
    But yeah, he smiles gorgeously ne?
    And his veins!!!!!!!!kyaaaaaaa!!!mecha kakkoi!!!>o<

    p/s:I couldn't manage my LJ blog that well. Seems like once a fortnight I posted an entry. Huhuhu.

  3. whoaa!! tonite is sho's nite! amie dapat sho jgak bile browse picture folder. hoho!! lagi2, amie tgah dengar suare die rap lagu kitto daijoubu. huwahh....cair...

  4. to kina:
    yeah!I think soo...the hairstyle not suit him lah...
    his veins??we share kay...

  5. to amie:
    haha!sebab name die kan sakurai sho...
    lpas tu antare collection pic arashi kan die la foldr yg last...dapat lah name die...
    kitto daijoubu pny rap!!kyaaa! *diess*
