i was thinking of posting at least one post (eventhough it's gonna be very very short, real short one) for arashi. since. i miss fangirling in my bloggeh!
so yeap, recently MnA held an event. screening for 5x10 Anniversary Concert Tour and it was freaking awesome, dude! all of them got hyperventilated and jumping all the way of the concert in Kokuritsu was screened. yeah, some of them did that. no, not on the floor. on a stage, and it's wood-made (? im not really sure. what im sure is that the stage is made from something that can easily break)
and yes. i heard the stage cracking in the middle of their excitement. i wonder if it really did crack. haha i was like this --> O_o what the hell was that. and i was so near with the stage. was sitting right on the couch that's so near with the stage. i paused waving my penlight that fiqa kitty gave me to think what would happen if it crumples down on me! NO! hahah!
before the screening, i got my own CON DVD! FROM KOREA! super cheap i tell you. it was only RM99.00! hah! i know, people who buy the one that's imported from Japan is much much more higher than the price i buy from Korea. haha :)) well, that doesnt matter. what matters for them is they can get it fast! and watch the concert! whew! I LOBE LOBE LOBE THE CONCERT!
do you think you've seen arashi being childish? and sho gets pale just because he's a scaredy-cat-sakurai? haha i guarantee you guys will love it once you've watched it. their concert always an extraordinary one, the one you can't find anywhere else. very flail-worthy! i had never regretted to lose my voice after flailing/fangirling madly for them! and, god helped my heart stop hammering like crazee watching some of their song performances like : truth, ashita no kioku, a.ra.shi, kansha kangeki ame arashi, allergy, attack it, 5x10 and many many more. you'd die of happiness, smiling widely ear to ear watching them :)) this is one of thousands of reasons why i'm freaking loving these guys. so, please never make fun of them in front of me. if you do, that'd be called as 'mencari padah'. only people who commits suicide will do that to me. dare you!
yesh yesh yesh, i'm a daredevil! *evil laughs
kaibutsu-kun!kai kai kai kaibutsu-kun wa chooo kawaii desu!ohmy dear...
he's the cutest monster that's ever lived on planet earth. dun blame me if this post would end up turning you into an ohno-wifey. he's just irresistably cute, adorable and everything.
he's a spoiled (magician?) hahah no. he's a spoiled prince that'd soon take the king's place in kaibutsu land. his daddy sent him to the human world so that he can practice to have manners.
now. is it turn for me to flail bout sakurai sho? it is, i guess.
hah!!! he's toooooooooooooo adorable.... now that makes me keep watching him repeatitively.
he's cute, dork, hot, handsome and EVERYTHING. he fills the emptiness in my heart, my head. all the the time.
it's like i'm really falling in love, really, really fall in love with him. he has it all. *melts* help! help!
no, God helps my legs to stand alright. Tokujo Kabachi, Kobe bla bla bla, and in some arashi's shows. the one i recently watched is AnShi ep 00 and he was damn damn damn cute. and wass so good in haggling the rice cooker. it LMAO-ed me hard! no, you wouldn't believe an idol like him go to an electric store and haggle for a rice cooker! hahah!
and yeshhhh, he looked KAMPEKI with the cheongsam! NO. there's never a man that could make the cheongsam look perfect on them. only sho can do that! sexy feet <3
he owns perfect body, boys. be jealous of that. though he fails. but thats one of reasons why i choose him haha! he's always perfect to me!
oh okay, and AIBALERINA?! damn it! aiba has smexy feet! EPIC! ♥! and ohmygawd!
ohchan in yattaman suit taking a nap in the hammock is superrrr cute! i want to jump on him and squish him sooo much, i wish though! hahaha! and crush his cheekbones geh! hahaha :))
jun-kun, nino i know. they are stealing my heart away! hey guys! give it back, its sho's property and he needs it back! hahaha :))
who agrees with what imma say, please put up your both feet and hands okay!
AND. last but not least. I MISH THEM FREAKING MUCH!
i need my arashi overdose back! *not complaining because of school and studies and stuff*
im so outdated, i know. dun leave me behind *sobsobs*
i will download their newest shows if i have time . and if my internet gives me permission for it too ^^
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Life is hard dakedo happy! 8D
hello, folks.
i'm miserably messed, screwed, fcuked up lately. feeling shitty.
just because i have not posted anything in my blog and livejournal.
and shit. my exam ended. yay. no party, thanks.
hahaha :))
so, when was my last time posting here? was it like...about...4 months ago?
tell me if i got it right. it's the hardest year i have to go through after all.
exams. so far, i have done 3 exams. 1st intervensi, 2nd intervensi and diagnostics.
i know. y'all must be freaking out just how 'good' i got for the results. you should be praying for me to get good grades then. well, it's not that bad. but i wish for a better one.
look guys, i'm a malaysian. yes i'm proud to be one. but, you see. learning moderned language's is harder than you expected. everything changed. yes, everything.
math. it seemed too easy but then it gets rusty time by time if you don't do exercises.
science? i love science. it's a magic of life, i tell you. no, experiments were never hard to me.
geography? i know. it's his favourite subject but it was never mine. memorizing all bits of globe part is the hardest. and... some other things. but well, i'm taking more interest into it. ganbarimasu.
history? no no no. death. when i see history i see death. when i see death, i see hell. haha j/k!
history's not that bad. it'll be fun if you can build your brain to have a good memory. i wish i can add up 2 giga byte to my brain near exams. who knows. soon they'll make one. and i'd be... ah! heaven!
living skills? ahhhh! i dun like it! cooking part is okay. but not the rest! heck. i am the AJK for it but .... i never did the tasks those were given to me sincerely. teacher instructs me, and i turn around and curse. haha 8D
as for conclusion,
overall, isn't that bad, is it? im always trying my best to get good grades. GANBARIMASU!
and, an addition information YOU! YES YOU! (arashians) wouldn't wanna know is... i get too outdated in arashi's updates. *sobs sobs sobs* but im having fun of spamming in fb with some good friends i just got. they're cool! :)
i would like to do...emmm....i dunno what to write as for the last part.
so im just going to say ... i miss arashi. LIKE HELL MUCH!
i'm miserably messed, screwed, fcuked up lately. feeling shitty.
just because i have not posted anything in my blog and livejournal.
and shit. my exam ended. yay. no party, thanks.
hahaha :))
so, when was my last time posting here? was it like...about...4 months ago?
tell me if i got it right. it's the hardest year i have to go through after all.
exams. so far, i have done 3 exams. 1st intervensi, 2nd intervensi and diagnostics.
i know. y'all must be freaking out just how 'good' i got for the results. you should be praying for me to get good grades then. well, it's not that bad. but i wish for a better one.
look guys, i'm a malaysian. yes i'm proud to be one. but, you see. learning moderned language's is harder than you expected. everything changed. yes, everything.
math. it seemed too easy but then it gets rusty time by time if you don't do exercises.
science? i love science. it's a magic of life, i tell you. no, experiments were never hard to me.
geography? i know. it's his favourite subject but it was never mine. memorizing all bits of globe part is the hardest. and... some other things. but well, i'm taking more interest into it. ganbarimasu.
history? no no no. death. when i see history i see death. when i see death, i see hell. haha j/k!
history's not that bad. it'll be fun if you can build your brain to have a good memory. i wish i can add up 2 giga byte to my brain near exams. who knows. soon they'll make one. and i'd be... ah! heaven!
living skills? ahhhh! i dun like it! cooking part is okay. but not the rest! heck. i am the AJK for it but .... i never did the tasks those were given to me sincerely. teacher instructs me, and i turn around and curse. haha 8D
as for conclusion,
overall, isn't that bad, is it? im always trying my best to get good grades. GANBARIMASU!
and, an addition information YOU! YES YOU! (arashians) wouldn't wanna know is... i get too outdated in arashi's updates. *sobs sobs sobs* but im having fun of spamming in fb with some good friends i just got. they're cool! :)
i would like to do...emmm....i dunno what to write as for the last part.
so im just going to say ... i miss arashi. LIKE HELL MUCH!
lya talked about:
life is hard dakedo happy,
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